Almost a year in

It’s been 335 days since we got married and lots has happened. We attended a wedding, a funeral, spent long weekends in Big Sky, New Orleans, and Seattle, and had a bone removed from my foot. We’ve kept this site live because we keep planning on doing something with it. There will be some big additions to it in the coming days (wedding photos, anyone?) and we’ll be able to use it as a way to update friends and family when we’re on our honeymoon. Wait, you may be saying to yourself, didn’t you get married almost a year ago? We did, which means it is about time we finally took that honeymoon. We talked about doing a short honeymoon after the wedding but decided that if we were going to take a vacation that our bosses couldn’t say no to (it’s bad form to refuse a honeymoon request), we were going to to do it right. What does right look like to us? 6 weeks in Asia. We had to save up some money and summer is the one time of year that April can get away from her job for that long. Check back in June and July to see a travel blog as we explore Indonesia, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, and Japan.